2 Steaks, I used New York Strip, but choose what you like.
3 cloves of garlic
1/4 of a red onion
4 or 5 Red Potatoes
Onion Powder
Garlic Powder
Italian Seasoning
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
First I drizzled the steaks with a little EVOO, about a teaspoon each side. I then rubbed them with a mixture of the Salt, Pepper, Onion Powder, and Garlic Powder on both sides as well as the edges. I placed them between some wax paper, and gave them a few good whacks with a mallet.
Second, I minced the three cloves of garlic, diced the onion, and cut up the potatoes. I sliced them like thick potato chips, but you could also just cut them into quarters.
Next, in the bottom of a pan, or glass baking dish, spread out the garlic and onion as evenly as possible.
Place the steaks in the center of the pan, and put the potatoes around them. Drizzle the whole thing with some EVOO. I used about 3-4 tablespoons.
Sprinkle the potatoes with the Italian Seasoning, to taste. Don't worry if it gets on the steak. Italian Seasoning is strong, so be careful not to use too much. I like garlic a lot, so I also hit the potatoes with the garlic powder.
Put the whole thing in a 400 degree oven for 15-20 minutes, depending how you like your steak. About 17 minutes for medium on a thick steak. You may need to take the steak out a couple minutes before the potatoes, depending on how thick you cut the potatoes.
When done, place the steak and potatoes on a plate and you are good to go. I served mine with a side of Texas Toast. I also picked out some of the roasted garlic from the pan, and smeared it over the steak.
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